Experiment code
Experiment Title Study of planting geometry and date of transplanting on growth and yield of brinjal (SolanummelongenaL.) under South Gujarat condition
Research Type Departmental Trail
Experiment Background Brinjal (Solanummelongena L.) is a member of the Solanaceae family and having the chromosome number is 2n= 24. It is also known as ‘Aubergine’ an economically important vegetable crop widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics regions.Brinjal is named as “Poor man’s vegetable” because of its low cost of production, ease of culture and availability throughout the year. Optimum plant spacing ensures proper growth and development of plants resulting in maximum fruit yieldand economic use of land. Lesser competition between plants and larger amount of available nutrients and soil moisture for vigorous growth of fruit parameters in widely spaced plants as compare to closer spacing. The plants grown with wider spacing produce maximum number of branches per plant, number of leaves per plant, canopy spread, total dry matter production, yield and nutrient uptake. Further, higher spacingin brinjal recorded significantly lower shoot and fruit borer infestation compare to closer spacing (Sollapur and Hiremath, 2016).On the other hand, knowledge of optimum time of transplanting and optimum plant spacing would be useful to achieve good yield and quality of brinjal.Examination of the interaction of environment and cultural methods will lead to a better understanding of the development of brinjal and contribute to sustained yield.
Experiment Group Horticulture
Department (213)Vegetable Science,ACHF, Navsari
BudgetHead (329/12021/00)329/01/REG/00273
  • To study the effect of planting geometryon growth and yield of brinjal.
  • To study the effect of date oftransplanting on growth and yield of brinjal.
  • To find out interaction effect of planting geometry and date of transplanting on growth and yield of brinjal.


Season Not season specific
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (213)Vegetable Science,ACHF, Navsari
Plot No E-7
PI Email jmvashi@nau.in
PI Mobile 9662532859
Year of Approval 2023
Commencement Year 2023
Completion Year 2026
Design of Experiment


Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

Factor -1 :Planting geometry

S1: 90 X 60 cm(Control)

S2: 90 X 90 cm

S3: 120 X90 cm

Gross Plot (m x m) -
Net Plot (m x m) -
Total Experiment Area (m2) 758.16
Plot History Last Three Year


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan


Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Factor -1 :Planting geometry

S1: 90 X 60 cm(Control)

S2: 90 X 90 cm

S3: 120 X90 cm

Factor -2 : Time of transplanting

T1: Second fortnight of August

T2: Second fortnight of September

T3: Second fortnight of October

  1. Experimental Design: FRBD
  2. No. of replication: 3
  3. No. of plants/treatment: S1: 48 plants

S2: 32 plants

S3:24 plants

D) Plot size:S1:Gross plot area: 3.6 m x 7.2 m

Net plot area:1.8 m x 6.0 m

S2: Gross plot area: 3.6 m x 7.2 m

Net plot area: 1.8 m x 5.4 m

S3:  Gross plot area: 3.6 m x 7.2 m

              Net plot area: 1.2 m x 5.4 m

E) Manure and fertilizer: 100:50:50 NPK kg/ha

50:50:50 NPK kg/ha at 30 DATP and remaining

50 kg nitrogen at 60 DATP.

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2010-000887) JIMI MANHARBHAI VASHI jmvashi@nau.in 9662532859 21-07-2023
(NAU-EMP-2015-000920) HETAL RAJESHKUMAR RATHOD hetalrathod@nau.in 9913615259 21/07/2023
(NAU-EMP-2009-000903) NARENBHAI KHANDUBHAI PATEL naren_horti@nau.in 9662532815 21/07/2023
Brinjal GNRB 1