Experiment code SAG.1 (2023)
Experiment Title Response of sugarcane planted through single eye budded settling to nano urea under south Gujarat condition
Research Type Departmental Trail
Experiment Background Sugarcane is one of the most important industrial cash crops in both tropical and subtropical region of the world and a major export product of many developing countries. Nutrient management is most important in high demanding sugarcane crop for better growth and economical production. This commercially grown sugarcane crop responded to high dose of fertilizer and productivity may be increased, but there may be adverse effect on soil as well as environment and also reduces the profitability of farmers. Among the various plant nutrient nitrogen requirement is high for this C4 type plant and required to apply in splits as per the growth of sugarcane. To increase the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers it is require to go for various sources of nutrient fertilizers including nano urea. Nano urea is recently available and the response study of it on sugarcane not available. Therefore, there is need to develop the most effective and economical practices for obtaining maximum yield as well as profitability by saving the nitrogenous fertilizers by replacing with nano urea. Therefore, this experiment is proposed on sugarcane planting through single eye budded settling.
Experiment Group Natural Resource Management
Department (268)Main sugarcane resarch station nau, navsari
BudgetHead (307/05011/00)307/12/REG/00655
  1. To study the effect of nano urea on growth, yield attributes and yields of sugarcane.
  2. To find out Nitrogen use efficiency in sugarcane crop.
Season Annual
Location Unit Type (01)RESEARCH UNIT
Location Department (268)Main sugarcane resarch station nau, navsari
Plot No G-3
PI Email msdudhat@nau.in
PI Mobile 9909461842
Year of Approval 2023
Commencement Year 2023
Completion Year 2026
Design of Experiment

Randomized block design

3 Replications

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

120 cm x 45 cm

Gross Plot (m x m) 7.20 m x 7.20 m
Net Plot (m x m) 4.80 m x 5.40 m
Total Experiment Area (m2) 5598.72
Plot History Last Three Year

Sugarcane: Green manuring: Sugarcnae

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report

Sample data Recorded

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan

51.84 X 36 X3

Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

T1: Absolute control (No N application)

T2: Foliar spray of 2% urea at planting, 45 – 60 DAP, 90-105 DAP and 140-150 DAP (4 time)   

T3: Foliar sprays of nano urea @ 4 ml/l water at planting, 45 – 60 DAP, 90-105 DAP and 140-150 DAP (4 time)   

T4: 100 % RDN (250 kg N/ha)-in 4 splits 15, 30, 20 and 35% at basal, 45 – 60 DAP, 90-105 DAP and 140-150 DAP  

T5: 75 % RDN of each split at recommended time + foliar spray of 2% urea at each split(4 time)   

T6: 50 % RDN of each split at recommended time + foliar spray of 2% urea at each split (4 time)   

T7: 75 % RDN (187.5 kg N/ha)-in 4 splits 15, 30, 20 and 35%  at basal, 45 – 60 DAP, 90-105 DAP and 140-150 DAP + foliar sprays of nano urea @ 4 ml/l water at each split(4 time)

T8: 50 % RDN (125 kg N/ha)-in 4 splits 15, 30, 20 and 35% at basal, 45 – 60 DAP, 90-105 DAP and 140-150 DAP + foliar sprays of nano urea @ 4 ml/l water at each split(4 time)  

T9: 15 % RDN(37.5 kg N/ha) at basal & 60% RDN(150 kg N/ha)  at 90-105 DAP + foliar sprays of nano urea @ 2 ml/l water at 45-60 and 140-150 DAS (2 time)

 T10: 15 % RDN(37.5 kg N/ha)  at basal & 60 % RDN(150 kg N/ha) at 90-105 DAP + foliar sprays of nano urea @ 4 ml/l water at 45-60 and 140-150 DAS(2 time)

T11: 15 % RDN(37.5 kg N/ha)  at basal & 35 % RDN(87.5 kg N/ha) at 90-105 DAP + foliar sprays of nano urea @ 2 ml/l water at 45-60 and 140-150 DAS(2 time)

T12: 15 % RDN(37.5 kg N/ha)  at basal & 35 % RDN (87.5 kg N/ha) at 90-105 DAP + foliar sprays of nano urea @ 4 ml/l water at 45-60 and 140-150 DAS(2 time)

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(NAU-EMP-2011-000252) MADHUKANT SAVJIBHAI DUDHAT msdudhat@nau.in 9909461842 21-09-2023
Sugarcane Different Sugarcane Varieties