Experiment code SAG. 3
Experiment Title Evaluation of Low Cost Natural Farming in sugarcane under south Gujarat condition
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background The experiment is designed to evaluate the low-cost natural farming in sugarcane crop in comparison with the organic and conventional sugarcane production methods.
Experiment Group Natural Resource Management
Department (268)Main sugarcane resarch station nau, navsari
BudgetHead (307/05011/00)307/12/REG/00655
  1. To evaluate the effect of low cost natural farming in comparison to organic farming and conventional farming on growth, yield and quality of the crops.
  2. To assess nutrients content and uptake by the crops under various farming systems.
  3. To study the effect of low-cost natural farming in comparison to organic farming and conventional farming on physical, chemical and biological properties of soil.
  4. To test economic viability of various farming systems.
Season Annual
Location Unit Type (01)RESEARCH UNIT
Location Department (268)Main sugarcane resarch station nau, navsari
Plot No G-18
PI Email msdudhat@nau.in
PI Mobile 9909461842
Year of Approval 2019
Commencement Year 2019
Completion Year 2022
Design of Experiment

Large Plot Technique

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

120 Sugarcane, 45 cm green gram

Gross Plot (m x m) 15.0 m x 48.0 m
Net Plot (m x m) 2.4 X 2.4
Total Experiment Area (m2) 816
Plot History Last Three Year

Sugarcane : Green manuring : Sugarcane

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report

Initial soil samples were collected for analysis

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan

7 rep X 3 treat X 1.2 m 

Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Module-I: Low-Cost Natural Farming

  1. Intercropping: Sugarcane + Green Gram (1:3)
  2. Mulching of sugarcane trash 10 t/ha
  3. Set treatment: Bijamrit
  4. Ghan Jivamrit 250 kg/ha + FYM 250 kg/ha + Jivamrit with irrigation at sowing & then after at monthly interval
  5. Achhadan: Soil/organic/weed mulch
  6. Plant protection: Agniastra, Brahmastraand Neemastra, if required

Module-II: Organic Farming

  1. Intercropping: Sugarcane + Green Gram (1:3)
  2. Mulching of sugarcane trash 10 t/ha
  3. Set treatment: Bio-fertilizers (Acetobacter, PSB, KMB)
  4. Biocompost 15 t/ha + Bio-fertilizers (Acetobacter + PSB + KMB applied two times as basal and before final earthing up @ 2.5 l/ha each both time)
  5. Plant protection:  Bio-pesticides, botanicals, if required

Module-III: Conventional Farming

  1. Intercropping: Sugarcane + Green Gram (1:3)
  2. Mulching of sugarcane trash 10 t/ha
  3. Seed treatment: Recommended practices
  4. The recommended dose of chemical fertilizers and manures:

            25 t FYM/ha or 15 t bio-compost/ha

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-1996-000405) HITESHBHAI MANJIBHAI VIRDIA drvirdia@nau.in 8128681274 01-12-2021 22/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2011-000252) MADHUKANT SAVJIBHAI DUDHAT msdudhat@nau.in 9909461842 22/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2016-000300) RAVAT RAMBHAI SISODIYA rrsisodiya@nau.in 9574030774 26/02/2024
Sugarcane CoN-13073