Experiment code
Experiment Title Knowledge and Adoption of farmers about mushroom production technologies in the Dangs district
Research Type Survey Work
Experiment Background Average productivity of mushroom is low in the Dangs district. It is mainly because of poor knowledge as well as adoption of scientific technology in mushroom cultivation. A wide gap exists between the yield obtained and the potential yield. Well planned and comprehensive study to gather the desired information was felt necessary. The main objective in our agricultural strategies is to increase the total agricultural production as well as to puss the efficiency various input used by rural community. The adoption of agriculture technologies by the farmers is prime importance of the agriculture university. Present study was undertaken to assess the knowledge and Adoption of mushroom production technologies in the Dangs district
Experiment Group Social Science
Department (248)Krushi Vigyan Kendra Waghai
BudgetHead (346/02704/06/NF)346/40/REG/03528

1.  To study the profile of farmers

2.  To assess the knowledge and adoption of farmers about mushroom production technologies

3. To ascertain the relationship between profile of the farmers with their knowledge and adoption about mushroom production technologies

4.  To find out the constraints in adoption of mushroom production technologies by farmers

5. To avail the suggestions from the farmers to overcome the constraints in adoption of mushroom production technologies

PI Email dobariyajignesh@nau.in
PI Mobile 9724761097
Year of Approval 2023
Commencement Year 2023
Completion Year 2025
Research Methodology

Location of research

30 villages of the Dangs district of Gujarat state

Selection of Districts

The Dangs

Selection of Talukas

Ahwa, Subir and Waghai taluka of  the Dangs district

Selection of Villages

10 Village From Ahwa taluka, 10 Village from Subir taluka and 10 Village from Waghai taluka will selected purposively on the basis of training given by KVK, NAU, Waghai, the Dangs

Selection of respondents

Ten Farmers from each selected Villages

Total Respondent Farmers Selected: 10 x 30 =  300 Farmers

Total Sample size


Research Design

Ex-post facto research design

Sampling method

Purposively sampling method

Independent variables

Age, Education, Land holding, Animal possession, Information seeking behavior, Risk Orientation, Economic Motivation and Scientific Orientation 

Dependent variables

Knowledge,  Adoption

Statistical tools/techniques

Ranking, Percentage, Frequency, Mean, Standard Deviation, Arbitrary methods etc.

Project period (years)

1 year

Commencement year of project


Budget Head of the project

2704-06, KVK, NAU, Waghai, The Dangs

dobariyajignesh@nau.in 9724761097 27-10-2023
Sr. No. Operation Date Nature of Data Value of Data Operation Status
1 01/02/2025 Primary Interview Schedule In Progress
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 02/02/2025 In Progress
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 02/02/2025 In Progress
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 02/02/2025 In Progress