Experiment code
Experiment Title Effect of saline water and melatonin application on growth, nutrient uptake and survival of mango seedling under salt stress regimes.
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Soil secondary salinization especially with saline irrigation water in one of the major abiotic factors limiting the growth of mango seedlings. Higher salinity stress results in ion toxicity, osmotic stress and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which leads to oxidative damage and programmed cell death. Salinity affects the photosynthesis, integrity of cellular membrane and the enzymatic activities of plant. To eliminate such losses, plants need to demonstrate the ROS-scavenging mechanism. Melatonin (MT) a recently found molecule acts as a plant growth regulator. Some studies have disclosed that MT also plays a role in regulating a photoperiod and plant circadian rhythm. It also plays a major role as a wide spread antioxidant agent which able to alleviate the effect of environmental stress such as drought, extreme temperature, heavy metal contamination and salinity etc. Mango rootstock is one the key factor across the plant propagation nurseries and agricultural institutions for the multiplication of different mango cultivars commercially. Higher salinity has contributed profoundly in the mortality of mango rootstocks largely which ultimately impacts the propagation cycle. Therefore, the recent study on effect of melatonin application on mango rootstock under different salt regimes is proposed. The result could bring a new insight into melatonin function in plant and provide guidance to facilitate quality mango rootstock production under such abiotic stress conditions.
Experiment Group Horticulture
Department (211)Fruit Science, ACHF, Navsari
BudgetHead (329/12025/00)329/01/REG/00277
  • To evaluate the effect of saline water on plant growth characters of mango rootstock under salt stress.
  • To evaluate the effect of melatonin on nutrient uptakes by mango rootstock under salt strees.
  • To find out interaction effect of saline water and melatonin on plant growth and nutrient uptake by mango rootstock under salt stress
  • To evaluate the effect of melatonin on survival percentage of mango rootstock under salt stress.
Season Late-Kharif
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (211)Fruit Science, ACHF, Navsari
Plot No E-8 Green House
PI Email vkparmar@nau.in
PI Mobile 9428603900
Year of Approval 2021
Commencement Year 2021
Completion Year 2023
Design of Experiment


Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

Bagging experiment

Gross Plot (m x m) 10 m X 10 m
Net Plot (m x m) 10 m X 10 m
Total Experiment Area (m2) 10 m X 10 m
Plot History Last Three Year

Bagging experiment

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report

Media analysis done after three month

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan

Bagging experiment

Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Factor I (Saline water irrigation)

T1: Available water

T2: 2.0 EC

T3: 3.0 EC

T4: 4.0 EC

T5: 5.0 EC

Factor II (Foliar application of melatonin)

T2 : 50 mM

T3 : 100 mM

T4 : 150 mM

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2008-000970) VINAYKUMAR KARSANBHAI PARMAR vkparmar@nau.in 9428603900 01-12-2021
(NAU-EMP-2015-000355) BHOOMIKABEN ASHOKBHAI PATEL bhoomikapatel@nau.in 9537810461 18/12/2021
(NAU-EMP-2019-000962) TULSI DHARMVIR GURJAR tulsigurjar@nau.in 9427794401 18/12/2021
Mango Kesar