Experiment code
Experiment Title Response of Silicon on flowering, yield and quality of Sapota cv. Kalipatti.
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Sapota [Manilkara achras (Mill.) Fosberg] is common name denominating a popular evergreen and ever fruiting tropical fruit tree of the family Sapotaceae and the order Ericales. It is one of an important fruit crop of the tropical region. It is an exotic tree introduced from tropical America and commonly referred to as Chiku in many places of India which is also known by several names including chico, sapodilla, naseberry, lamut, chicle, etc. In India, it is cultivated for its delicious fruits of exclusive quality, timber and latex. It occupies about 97.3 thousand ha area with 1175.9 thousand MT production and 12.1 MT/ha productivity in India. Gujarat has emerged as the first largest sapota producing state followed by Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The state occupies about 29.55 thousand ha area and 326.36 thousand MT production with 11.04 MT/ha productivity. Navsari district has 8.13 thousand ha area and 102.89 thousand MT production with 12.65 MT/ha productivity (Anon., 2018). Silicon is one of the beneficial element can helps in improving growth of plant by correcting their deficiencies especially in highly weathered soil. Silicon is considered as an important beneficial element as it helps in growth and development of plant. It has positive growth effect including increased dry mass and yield, enhanced pollination and most commonly increased disease resistance (Gillman et al., 2003). It is also known to increase drought tolerance in plants by maintaining plant water balance, photosynthetic activity, erectness of leaves and structures of xylem vessels under transpiration rates. Effects of silicon on yield are related to the deposition of the element under the leaf epidermis which results a physical mechanism of defence, reduces lodging, increases photosynthesis capacity and decreases transpiration losses (Korndörfer et al., 2004).Potassium silicate is a source of highly soluble potassium and silicon. It is used in agricultural production systems primarily as a silica amendment and has the added benefit of supplying small amounts of potassium. In many horticultural crops, an adequate potassium nutrition also contributes in enhancing tree yields, fruit size, fruit colour, soluble solids, ascorbic acid concentrations, shelf life and also improved shipping quality (Kanai et al., 2007).
Experiment Group Horticulture
Department (211)Fruit Science, ACHF, Navsari
BudgetHead (329/12025/00)329/01/REG/00277

1. To study the effect of soil and foliar application of silicon on flowering andfruitingof sapota cv. Kalipatti

2. To study the effect of Soiland foliar application of silicon on yield and quality of sapota cv. Kalipatti

Season Perennial
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (211)Fruit Science, ACHF, Navsari
Plot No D- 4 (RHRS)
PI Email dixitahorti@nau.in
PI Mobile 9724253897
Year of Approval 2021
Commencement Year 2021
Completion Year 2024
Design of Experiment

Complete Randomized Design (CRD) 

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)


Gross Plot (m x m) 50 m X 50 m
Net Plot (m x m) 50 m X 50 m
Total Experiment Area (m2) 2500 sq. mt
Plot History Last Three Year

30 year old tree 

Earliar one student experiment was conducted on use of diierent chemical spray on sapota

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report

Not done

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan

Perennial crop

Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

T1: Control (Water application)

T2: Foliar application of Potassium silicate @ 6000 mg l-1

T3: Foliar application of Potassium silicate @ 7000 mg l-1

T4: Foliar application of Potassium silicate @ 8000 mg l-1

T5: Soil application of Calcium silicate @ 1 kg/tree

T6: Soil application of Calcium silicate @ 1.5kg/tree

T7: Soil application of Calcium silicate @ 2 kg/tree

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2015-000919) DIXITA DALPATRAM PRAJAPATI dixitahorti@nau.in 9724253897 01-12-2021
(NAU-EMP-2006-000864) BHUPENDRABHAI MOHANBHAI TANDEL hariombhupi@nau.in 8128990453 18/12/2021
(NAU-EMP-2011-000934) TIMUR R AHLAWAT toachf@nau.in 9879124272 18/12/2021
Sapota Kalipatti