Experiment code
Experiment Title Feasibility of rubber plantation under South Gujarat agro-climatic conditions
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Rubber is a coherent elastic solid obtained from latex of a number of tropical trees of which Hevea brasiliensis is the most important. Rubber is used for a variety of purposes from erasing pencil marks to manufacturing of tyres, tubes and a large number of industrial products. The first rubber plantations in India were set up in 1895 on the hill slopes of Kerala. However, rubber cultivation on a commercial scale was introduced in 1902. Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is a quick growing tall tree acquiring 10-15 metre height. It begins to yield latex in 5-7 years after planting. It requires hot and humid climate with temperature of 25°-35°C and annual rainfall of over 200 cm. India is the third largest natural rubber producing country of the world, next to Thailand and Indonesia, producing about 9 per cent of the global output. The plantation sector, with an estimated production of over 0.6 million tons of natural rubber and a projected production of more than one million tons in near future, contributes to the rapid growth of the Indian rubber industry. Kerala, with a total area of 3.84 lakh hectares under rubber cultivation and an annual production of 3.70 lakh tonnes, produces over 90% of India's natural rubber. Of the total area, 92 percent is represented by small holdings with an average area of around 0.5 hectares. There are about 10 Lakh growers and 3.5 Lakh workers engaged in the rubber sector of which more than 90 percent belong to Kerala. Konkan region of western India (5° to 20° N) is one of the non-traditional areas, where rubber cultivation is attempted due to non-availability of land for expansion in the traditional rubber growing tracts of India and got satisfactory results. Seeing its profitability and as a potential alternative crop under horti-forestry system a MOU has already signed between RRI, Rubber Board- India and NAU, Navsari.
Experiment Group Horticulture
Department (284)Agriculture Experimental Station Paria
BudgetHead (325/05014/00)325/12/REG/00693
  1. To study the growth characteristics of rubber plants.
  2. To study the yield and quality parameters of rubber.
Season Not season specific
Location Unit Type (01)RESEARCH UNIT
Location Department (284)Agriculture Experimental Station Paria
Plot No Block:2 Plot:16
PI Email dksharma@nau.in
PI Mobile 8128988972
Year of Approval 2023
Commencement Year 2023
Completion Year 2030
Design of Experiment

(Statistical analysis by t-test)

Correlation with weather parameters.           

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

3m x 5m and  9 m between two paired rows

Gross Plot (m x m) 48m x 43m
Net Plot (m x m) 48m x 43m
Total Experiment Area (m2) 2064
Plot History Last Three Year


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report

Samples were collected and sent for analysis.

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan
Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Paired row plantation

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2009-000597) DEVENDRA KUMAR SHIV DAYAL SHARMA dksharma@nau.in 8128988972 24-01-2024
(NAU-EMP-1995-000814) JITENDRAKUMAR PARSHOTTAMBHAI MAKATI jp_makati@nau.in 9724322312 24/01/2024
(NAU-EMP-2015-000804) SHAUNAKKUMAR KISHORCHANDRA DESAI skdesai@nau.in 9428382359 24/01/2024
(NAU-EMP-2015-000804) SHAUNAKKUMAR KISHORCHANDRA DESAI skdesai@nau.in 9428382359 24/01/2024
(NAU-EMP-2012-000457) SACHIN MAHADEV CHAVAN smchavan@nau.in 9712868518 24/01/2024