Performance of strawberry cultivars under Navsari conditions
Research Type
Departmental Research
Experiment Background
The cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassaDuch.) is one of the soft fruits of the world. It is a hybrid of two Native American species; Fragariachiloensisand Fragariavirginiana, belongs to the Rosaceae family. Botanically it is an aggregate fruit which is highly perishable in nature. It is native of temperature regions, however, some varieties are availablewhich can be cultivated in subtropical climate. The strawberry is among the most widely adopted small fruit crops of the country. Strawberry is grown throughout Europe, in every United States as well as Canada and South America. In India it is cultivated in the hilly areas. Its main cultivated areas are Nainital and Dehradun districts in Uttaranchal, Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra, Kashmir Valley, Bengaluru and Kalimpong in West Bengal. In recent years, strawberry is being cultivated successfully in hills regions of The Dangs in Gujarat.
The wide variation in climate within these regions and the wide adaption of the strawberry plants permit harvesting and marketing the fruits during greater part of the year. This soft fruit is having a distinct tantalizing aroma. It is highly nutritious with abundant source of vitamins A, B, C and niacin, minerals like phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron. It is utilized for the production of purees, juice concentrate, jams, preserves and rose red wine. Medicinally, strawberries have been known for its anti-viral properties against polio, these may block the formation of nitosamines which can cause cancer. Furthermore these contain relatively high quantities of ellagic acid which has a wide range of biological activities (Rieger, 2006). The wide diversity of strawberry plant gives an idea of its potential for selection work. Choice of cultivars is of paramount importance for successful strawberry cultivation. Selection of new stable strawberry cultivars for field condition can ensure better yield and quality. Considering above facts the present study work will be undertaken with a view to evaluate the performance of different strawberry cultivars at Navsari condition.
Experiment Group
Unit Type
(211)Fruit Science, ACHF, Navsari
To evaluate strawberry cultivars under Navsari condition