Experiment code
Experiment Title Influence of Tillage and drainage practices on growth and yield of papaya in heavy rainfall zone of south Gujarat
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Papaya (Carica papaya) fruit having commercial importance because of its high nutritive and medicinal value. Total annual world production is estimated at 6 million tons of fruits. India leads the world in papaya production with an annual output of about 3 million tonnes. Due to it high demand farmers have interest to grow papaya as their orchard crop. Papaya needs regular water for its rapid fruit development and yield. But this crop is susceptible to water logging. Water logging can cause the death of papayas in 48 hours. To remain healthy, the papaya plant needs regular rainfall or irrigation with good drainage while flooding for 48 hours is fatal. A balance between soil water and soil air O2 is important for root growth of papaya. So, this is a very serious issue for us to take immediate steps in the area of rainfed agriculture. Rainfed agriculture usually suffers from temporary waterlogging associated with excessive rainfall, flat topography or poor land and water management. Good drainage should be a periodical solution for these areas having heavy rainfall. Therefore, the farmers of south Gujarat (heavy rainfall zone) are facing hues loss in papaya cultivation due to stagnation of rain water in the fields. To elaborate these problems this experiment is formulated with the following objectives.
Experiment Group Agricultural Engineering
Department (253)Agricultural Engineering Department, NMCA, Navsari
BudgetHead (303/12936/00)303/01/REG/00015
  1. To determine the effect of tillage on soil physical properties
  2. To determine tillage and drainage practices on growth and yield of papaya
Season Annual
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (253)Agricultural Engineering Department, NMCA, Navsari
Plot No 15B
PI Email manjushree@nau.in
PI Mobile 8511238659
Year of Approval 2023
Commencement Year 2023
Completion Year 2026
Design of Experiment (Other)

Large Plot Tech.

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

Plant to plant spacing: 1.5 m

Gross Plot (m x m) NA
Net Plot (m x m) NA
Total Experiment Area (m2) NA
Plot History Last Three Year

Research on Papaya and Sugarcane

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan
  1. Yield components:

          Number of fruit/ plants, Average weight (g)fruit/  

          plant, kg fruit/ plant, Kg of fruit/ ha

  1. Growth Parameter:

Plant height, Leaf area, Trunk diameter

  1. Soil Parameter

Soil moisture content, Bulk density, Infiltration rate,

Runoff (Parshall Flume)

  1. Fruit quality parameters

Pulp thickness, Pulp colour, TSS, Acidity, Ascorbic Acid, Sensory evaluation

  1. Other Observations:

Drainage co-efficient, Types of Plough, Depth of ploughing, Numbers of pass in ploughing

Layout Plan Attachment
  1. MB Plough + 25cm spacing of surface drainage
  2. MB Plough + 30cm spacing of surface drainage
  3. MB Plough + 35cm spacing of surface drainage
  4. Chisel plough + 25cm spacing of surface drainage
  5. Chisel plough + 30cm spacing of surface drainage
  6. Chisel plough + 35cm spacing of surface drainage
  7. Cross Cultivation (Control)
Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2013-000258) MANJUSHREE SINGH manjushree@nau.in 8511238659 16-02-2024 17/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2015-000303) REENA KUMARI SHREE HARIVANSH MISHRA reenakumari@nau.in 9712605302 17/02/2024 17/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2013-000258) MANJUSHREE SINGH manjushree@nau.in 8511238659 17/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2013-000562) VIPUL TANAJI SHINDE vipulshinde@nau.in 8128984318 01/05/2023
(NAU-EMP-2015-000303) REENA KUMARI SHREE HARIVANSH MISHRA reenakumari@nau.in 9712605302 01/05/2023
(NAU-EMP-2014-000353) YOGESH ASHOK GARDE y.garde@nau.in 8469764778 01/05/2023
Drainage Surface