Experiment code
Experiment Title Response of Finger Millet based Intercropping systems under hilly region of south Gujarat
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Millets are important staple food crops to the millions of the people in the arid and semiarid regions of the world due to their greater resistance to pests and diseases, good adaption to a wide range of environment and their good yielding capacity and can withstand significant levels of salinity, short growing season, resistant to water logging, drought tolerant, requires little inputs during growth and with increasing world population and decreasing water supplies, represents important crops for future human use. Among millets, Finger millet known as ‘Ragi’ is an important crop in India and cultivated in both tropical and subtropical regions. Finger millet can be able to survive with 28% of paddy’s water needs-they are better adapted for current and future droughts. Growing of only millets is not much remunerative in the present scenario of agriculture to fulfil the diverse demand of consumers and rapidly growing population. Hence, it is an urgent need of inclusion of the legumes in millet based cropping systems. Initial slow growth of finger millet will facilitate the better establishment of intercrops. Moreover, growing of intercrops will suppress the unwanted weed growth and produces greater output from unit area than sole crop. Finger millet also has wonderful health benefits as it increases bone strength, regulating blood sugar levels, protecting from risk of stroke by regulating cholesterol, helps in treating anaemia, increases lactation and has anti-aging properties. Intercropping is an ancient method of intensive agriculture that involves cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land. Inter cropping has been practiced in many parts of the world to maximize land productivity in a natural and sustainable way. The idea behind the technique is that crops differ in their growth requirements and are complementary to each other and make a better overall use of available resources. Moreover, it is the most common practice used in sustainable agricultural systems which have an important role in increasing the productivity and stability of yield in order to improve resource utilization and environmental factors.
Experiment Group Natural Resource Management
Department (326)Agronomy
BudgetHead (338/12402/00)338/05/REG/02465

To find out the suitable finger millet based intercropping system for hilly region of south Gujarat.

Season Kharif
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (326)Agronomy
Plot No NA
PI Email appatel@nau.in
PI Mobile 9979674748
Year of Approval 2023
Commencement Year 2023
Completion Year 2026
Design of Experiment


Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

Finger Millet: 22.50 cm pair row and 30.00 cm

Pulses: 45 x 10 sq.cm

Gross Plot (m x m) 4.50 m x 4.00 m
Net Plot (m x m) 3.30 m x 3.00 m
Total Experiment Area (m2) 0.12 ha
Plot History Last Three Year


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan
Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

T1: Sole Finger millet

T 2 : Finger millet + Greengram  ( 2:1)

T3  : Finger millet + Cowpea       (2 : 1)

T 4: Finger millet + Blackgram   ( 2:1 )

T 5 : Finger millet + Greengram  ( 2:2 )

T 6 : Finger millet + Cowpea       (2 :2 )

T 7:  Finger millet + Blackgram   ( 2:2 )

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2007-000505) AJAYKUMAR PRAVINBHAI PATEL appatel@nau.in 9979674748 27-02-2024
(NAU-EMP-2014-000541) RAHUL RAMDAS PISAL rrpagri@nau.in 9974746445 27/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2011-000559) VINAYKUMAR MANUBHAI PATEL vinaypatel@nau.in 7359699209 27/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2015-000552) SANDEEP SUDHAKAR SONAVANE sandeep.sonavane@nau.in 9428294013 27/02/2024
(NAU-EMP-2013-000570) HIRENKUMAR PRAVINBHAI DHOLARIYA hppatel@nau.in 9879291253 27/02/2024
Finger millet GNN-8