Experiment code
Experiment Title Survey of coconut rugose spiralling whitefly (RSWF), Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin and its natural enemies in Valsad and Navsari district of South Gujarat
Research Type Survey Work
Experiment Background The whitefly genus Aleurodicus Douglas comprising 35 species of which only the spiralling whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus Russel was so far known to occur in India (Martin, 2008). The Rugose Spiralling Whitefly (RSWF) (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus) (Aleurodidae: Hemiptera) is described by Martin from Belize in Central America in 2004 (Martin, 2004). It invaded Florida in the United States during 2009 and Guatemala (Stocks, 2012). The RSWF is polyphagous found to feed more than 118 hosts belonging to 43 plant families of economically important crops in the United States (Francies et al., 2016). RSWF was noticed in a severe form in coconut palms (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Pollachi in Coimbatore district (TN), Kottayam district (Kerala) and other parts of the country. Both nymphs and adult whitefly suck the sap by their sucking feeding habit, siphon out coconut sap by selective feeding from the abaxial of the coconut leaflets. De-sapping by RSWF would induce stress on the palms due to removal of water and nutrients, but neither colour change nor necrosis of leaflets. Extensive feeding of the insect also leads to the excretion of honey dew which subsequently gets deposited on the upper surface of the leaves down beneath and also on other under storey crops. In case of severe attack, egg spirals could be located on leaf petiole as well as on tender coconuts. Honey dew excrement, being sweet and watery, attracts ants and encourages growth of the fungus, which causes disfigurement of leaves affecting the photosynthetic efficiency of the plant. During the year 2020, this pest has also reported in some pockets of South Gujarat and hence, there is urgent need to explore the status of RSWF under south Gujarat condition. To fill up the lacuna and imminent the knowledge on status of invasive coconut rugose spiralling whitefly (RSWF) in Valsad and Navsari district of south Gujarat, the present investigation is planned with following objectives under south Gujarat condition.
Experiment Group Agricultural Entomology
Department (259)Entomology Department, NMCA, Navsari
BudgetHead (303/12939/00)303/01/REG/00046
  1. To know the status of newly introduced invasive pests of coconut rugose spiralling whitefly (RSWF) in Valsad and Navsari district of south Gujarat.
  2. To explore the natural enemy fauna of rugose spiralling whitefly (RSWF) in Valsad and Navsari district of south Gujarat.
Season Not season specific
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (259)Entomology Department, NMCA, Navsari
Plot No Farmers fields of coconut orchard in Valsad and Navsari district of south Gujarat
PI Email kapilpatel@nau.in
PI Mobile 7600058093
Year of Approval 2021
Commencement Year 2021
Completion Year 2030
Design of Experiment

Roving survey

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

Not Applicable

Gross Plot (m x m) Not Applicable
Net Plot (m x m) Not Applicable
Total Experiment Area (m2) Not Applicable
Plot History Last Three Year

Not Applicable

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report

Not Applicable

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan

Not Applicable

Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Not Applicable

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2015-000240) KAPILKUMAR MOHANLAL PATEL kapilpatel@nau.in 7600058093 19-02-2022
(NAU-EMP-2013-000203) CHANDRASHEKHAR UTTAMRAO SHINDE shinde.3112@nau.in 9725105636 19/02/2021
(NAU-EMP-2015-000309) SACHINKUMAR RAMESHCHANDRA PATEL sachinpatel@nau.in 9099479707 19/02/2021
(NAU-EMP-2015-000375) MUKESH RAMJIBHAI SIDDHAPARA agrilmak@nau.in 8758719987 19/02/2021
(NAU-EMP-2013-000911) PANKAJ PANDURANG BHALERAO pankaj5bhalerao@nau.in 9662532827 19/02/2021
(NAU-EMP-2008-000170) ABHISHEK GYANESHCHANDER SHUKLA abhishekshukla@nau.in 9724304675 19/02/2021
Coconut D x T