Experiment code Agro 1
Experiment Title Response of Barnyard millet to organics and their residual effect in rabi green gram (In collaboration with HMRS, NAU, Waghai)
Research Type Departmental Trail
Experiment Background Barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea L.), is popularly known as a sawan (banti) is an important food crop of the poor people’s inhabiting the dry land areas of India. Because of its drought hardiness, robust and quick growing habit, it occupies large acreage in dry regions. It does well in the marginal soils with poor soil fertility. It has very low cost of production. The crop matures rather early (80 to 90 days) and provides a good gap filling of food crop. Sometimes, when there is a shortage of food, farmers can grow as an emergence food crop and quickly harvest some edible grains to meet their immediate food requirements It is equally important as a grain and fodder crop. Thus it deserves a greater importance than other millets. The potentiality of barnyard millet has not been exploited in India and the yield levels are very low. Hence proper nutrient management is a major input in the production process, there is a need to rationalize its use as an underutilization can lead to sub optimal yield. The drastic increase in the cost of chemical fertilizers in the recent past has made it imperative to use alternate sources of nutrients like organic manures, crop residues, biofertilizer etc. The present study was therefore undertaken to study the effect of different organics on productivity of Banti crop and their residual effect in rabi green gram.
Experiment Group Natural Resource Management
Department (326)Agronomy
BudgetHead (338/12402/00)338/05/REG/02465
  1. To evaluate the effect of different organics on growth, yield attributes and yield of Barnyard millet residual effect in rabi green gram.
  2. To study the effect of different organics on nutrient uptake by both the crop
  3. To study  the effect of different organics on available nutrient status of soil
Season Kharif
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (326)Agronomy
Plot No 60
PI Email jyotikcaw@nau.in
PI Mobile 9537825216
Year of Approval 2021
Commencement Year 2022
Completion Year 2023
Design of Experiment

Split plot design

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

Barnyard  Millet : 30 x 15 cm

Green gram : 45 cm x 10 cm

Gross Plot (m x m) 3.6 m x 9.0 m , 3.6 m x 3.0 m
Net Plot (m x m) 3.0 m x 8.7 m , 2.7 m x 2.8 m
Total Experiment Area (m2) 810 m2
Plot History Last Three Year
Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report
Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan
Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!


Factor A (Main plot) – Treatment Details: (Barnyard Millet)

T1 :100 % RDN through FYM +2 lit Azotobactor + 2 lit PSB

T2 :100 % RDN through biocompost+2 lit Azotobactor + 2 lit PSB

T3 :50 % RDN through FYM + 25 % RDN through biocompost+  25 % RDN through

       castor cake

T4 : 33 % RDN through FYM + 33 % RDN through biocompost +  33 % RDN through

        castor cake


Factor B (sub plot) – Treatment Details: (Green gram)

S1 :Control

S2 :FYM 2.5 t/ha

S3 :FYM 5.0 t/ha

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2019-000002) JYOTIBEN MAHADUBHAI KOKANI jyotikcaw@nau.in 9537825216 12-11-2022
Barnyard millet Gujarat Banti 1
Green gram CO 4