The diseases of economic significance that affect cotton are viz., bacterial blight, alternaria leaf spot, grey mildew, root rot, boll rot, wilt, Target spot, CLCuD and other physiological problems as para wilt and leaf reddening as a major one etc. The bacterial blight is the most wide spread and destructive disease reported to cause yield losses of about 10 to 30 per cent (Kalpana et al., 2004, Mishra, Krishna, 2001 and Sandipan et al., 2016) and also affect the quality of lint (Sharma and Chauhan, 1985). Losses due to Alternaria leaf spot (26.6 %), grey mildew (29.2 %) and Myrothecium leaf spot (29.1 %) have been reported. However, in certain areas or in some seasons they can cause heavy losses in both yield and quality. This on the whole state of affairs leads to felt a closer inspection of the diseases those were present on cotton crop under South Gujarat region, hence systemic explorations by using different bioagents on various cotton diseases were carried out. Keeping in view the seriousness of these diseases, an experiment with bioagents based treatment is planned for the effective management of the cotton diseases.
Experiment Group
Plant Pathology
Unit Type
(269)Main Cotton Research Station Surat
To find out the effective bioagents for the management of cotton diseases.
Per cent Incidence, for wilt, Root rot and PDI for foliar diseases and seed cotton yield
Seed and soil application of Bacillus tequeilencis
Seed application: 108cfu/g @10g per kg of seed
Soil application: 2.5 kg/ha (30 & 60 DAS)
At the time of sowing
30 & 60 DAS
Seed application: 108cfu/g @10g per kg of seed
Soil application: 2.5 kg/ha (30 & 60 DAS)
At the time of sowing
30 & 60 DAS
Seed and soil application of Commercial product Bacillus subtilis
Seed application: 108cfu/g @10g per kg of seed
Soil application: 2.5 kg/ha (30 & 60 DAS)
At the time of sowing
30 & 60 DAS
Seed and soil application Pf CICR
Seed application: 108cfu/g @10g per kg of seed
Soil application: 2.5 kg/ha (30 & 60 DAS)
At the time of sowing
30 & 60 DAS
Chemical seed treatment (Vitavax power @ 0.2%)
2 gm/kg seed
At the time of sowing
Foliar application of Pyroclostrobin @0.1%
1.0 gm/lit of water
60 DAS
Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens CICR (2 x 108cfu/g) @ 10 g/kg seed + soil application of Trichoderma viride TNAU1 (2 x 106 cfu/g) @ 2.5 kg/ha in 250 kg of vermicompost and sprays of Kresoxim methyl (0.0443%) followed by Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% WP @ 1.5 g/l