Experiment code
Experiment Title Development of colorimetric sensors for the pesticides in agricultural produces
Research Type Lab Research
Experiment Background Pesticides act as toxic compounds to all living organisms and hence used to control the insects, weeds, nematodes and other various pests. The pesticides can be carcinogenic in nature, which can produce disorders in bone marrow and nervous system and can sometimes cause infertility and respiratory diseases (Sci. Rep., 2020). Therefore, the trace level determination of pesticides is an important issue to be addressed. Generally, the use conventional techniques like HPLC, AAS, GC, GF-AAS etc is limited as they often required highly sophisticated instrumentation and tedious sample preparation. Recently, metal nanoparticles have garnered a significant interest in various fields of science because of their size dependent optical properties, and they have shown a great impact in improving the analytical performance of UV-visible spectrometry, just like as sophisticated instruments. Surface modified metal nanoparticles (Au, Ag and Cu) have the potential to establish miniaturized colorimetric methods for assaying of wide variety molecules, offering the quantification of trace level target analytes via the color changes, which could be noticed with naked-eye. The interface between the ligand chemistry of metal nanoparticles and trace level pesticides is where the specific covalent and non-covalent interactions occur; therefore, a significant color change occurs in the metal nanoparticles via the aggregation of metal nanoparticles induced by pesticides. In this review, the role of ligand chemistry on the surfaces of metal nanoparticles (Au, Ag and Cu) for colorimetric detection of various pesticides (Food Chem., 2021).
Experiment Group Basic Science
Department (312)ASPEE Shakilam Biotechnology Institute
BudgetHead (339/12248/00)339/03/REG/01870

1. To develop the nanoparticle based colorimetric probe. 2. To evaluate selectivity and sensitivity of the developed probe.

Season Not season specific
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (312)ASPEE Shakilam Biotechnology Institute
Plot No Not Applicable
PI Email vaibhavmehta@nau.in
PI Mobile 9426388144
Year of Approval 2022
Commencement Year 2022
Completion Year 2026
Design of Experiment

1. Synthesis of nanoparticles (Au or Ag). 2. Functionalization of nanoparticles to develop the colorimetric probe. 3. Selectivity of colorimetric probe towards pesticides (Carbamate and Organophosphate). 4. Sensitivity of the colorimetric probe 5. Interference study 6. Application of colorimetric probe for real sample analysis (Mango and Okra)

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)

Not Applicable

Gross Plot (m x m) Not Applicable
Net Plot (m x m) Not Applicable
Total Experiment Area (m2) Not Applicable
Plot History Last Three Year

Not Applicable

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report

Not Applicable

Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan

Not Applicable

Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Observations to be recorded: 1. Characterization of functionalized nanoparticles 2. Selectivity study 3. Sensitivity study 4. Effect of pH 5. Real sample analysis (% Recovery and RSD)

Treatment Attachment
(NAU-EMP-2015-000494) VAIBHAVKUMAR NANDKISHOR MEHTA vaibhavmehta@nau.in 9426388144 23-01-2023
(NAU-EMP-2008-000497) SANJAY MOHAN JHA sanjayjha14@nau.in 7600059128 19/03/2022
(NAU-EMP-2015-000498) VIMALKUMAR SHANKARLAL PRAJAPATI vimalprajapati@nau.in 9714758199 19/03/2022