Experiment code
Experiment Title Role of Agricultural Infrastructure on Agricultural Efficiency in Gujarat
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background In the recent economic environment, efficiency and competitiveness ought to be the basis of every development strategy of agriculture. These cues are very pertinent in the context of farmers of developing countries, particularly India, where the size of land holding primarily belongs to the small and marginal farmers and traditional cropping pattern with low productivity remains a grave concern. Moreover, non-viability of agriculture sector in provision of subsistence income to farmers as well as employment opportunities to the rural population only adds to the problems. Agriculture efficiency is thereby a precursor of agriculture development in India because it is directly related to the productivity of the agriculture sector that can aide in combating such issues. The study through agricultural infrastructure has tried to identify three broad parameters viz. economic infrastructure in terms of irrigation, electricity, transport and telecommunication etc., institutional infrastructure in terms of agriculture Market, primary agriculture cooperative societies, banks etc. and social infrastructure in terms of education and health. These parameters of agricultural infrastructure contribute to agricultural growth and its efficiency, either directly or indirectly. Agricultural development or its efficiency is a multi-dimensional phenomenon where different factors and condition s should work together to achieve the potential level of agriculture output. The agriculture efficiency is influenced by various factors such as climatic factors, development of agricultural infrastructure, technological improvements, agricultural inputs and economic policies of the government
Experiment Group Social Science
Department (241)Agricultural Economics,ACHF,Navsari
BudgetHead (329/12237/00)329/03/REG/01815
PI Email alpeshleua@nau.in
PI Mobile 9725039457
Year of Approval 2022
Commencement Year 2022
Completion Year 2023
Research Methodology
Statistical Tools for analyzing data: The ten years database for the present study will
be taken from various secondary data sources viz. Directorate of Economics &
Statistics, Government of Gujarat, Land Use Statistics (LUS) prepared by DACNET,
Economics & Statistics Division, State Planning Institute Planning Department,
Government of Gujarat. The methodology of research has been divided into three
sub-sections. The first sub-section elaborates the construction of the Agriculture
Infrastructure Index (AII), the second sub-section spells out the estimation of the
Agricultural Efficiency Index (AEI).
The ten years database for the present study will be taken from various secondary
data sources viz. Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of Gujarat, Land
Use Statistics (LUS) prepared by DACNET, Economics & Statistics Division, State
Planning Institute Planning Department, Government of Gujarat. The methodology of
research has been divided into three sub-sections. The first sub-section elaborates
the construction of the Agriculture Infrastructure Index (AII), the second sub-section
spells out the estimation of the Agricultural Efficiency Index (AEI).
Where, AEIi is the agricultural efficiency index, Iya, Iyb, …, Iyn, are the productivity/
yield indexes of various crops, and Ca, Cb …, Cn, are percentages of crop area
under the different selected crops.
 Included all requisite formulae concerned with agriculture infrastructure index (AII).
 Mentioned the indicators and their assumptions for estimating AII and AEI.


alpeshleua@nau.in 9725039457 27-01-2023
Sr. No. Operation Date Nature of Data Value of Data Operation Status
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 11/02/2023 Completed
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 11/02/2023 Completed
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 11/02/2023 Completed
2 21/09/2023 Completed