Experiment code
Experiment Title Economics of Pigeon pea Production in Bharuch district of South Gujarat
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Pigeon pea is extensively used in making Dal. Its green pods may be used as a vegetable. The green leaves and tops of the plant are fed to animals or are utilized as green manures. The husk of pods and seeds and also the kernels constitute a valuable cattle feed. Dry stalks obtained after threshing are used for basket making or as fuel or thatching material. Being deep rooted; it is also planted as a soil renovator to break the hard sub-soil and as a hedge to check the erosion. The heavy shedding of leaves adds considerable organic matter to the soil. It is mainly grown as subsistence crop in the tropic and subtropics of India. The data reveal that the area under pigeon pea in Gujarat was 2543.47 hundred hectares in the year 2018-2019 out of which1414.21 hundred hectares was in South Gujarat. The production of pigeon pea in the Gujarat state was 3074.73 hundred MT in the year 2018-2019, while the production of pigeon pea during the same period was 1638.66 hundred MT in South Gujarat. Pigeon pea is the major pulse crop of the study region, however its area is fluctuating from year to year. One of the reasons may be the fluctuations in rainfall, second could be the problem of pests and disease. Therefore, farmers are caught in and no other option for pigeon pea cultivation. Moreover, farmers blame that they are not getting the remunerative prices for their produce on the one hand and incurring high cost of cultivation on the other. It is, therefore, necessary to study the details along with the economics analysis, which in turn would help in increasing the production. Thus, the finding of the study would throw some light on various issues related to production of pigeon pea which would be helpful of policy makers, administrators, farmers, etc in formulating the appropriate strategies/measures to combat the above problems.
Experiment Group Social Science
Department (332)Agriculture Economics
BudgetHead (337/12246/00)337/03/REG/01861
1. To study the cost and returns of Pigeon pea in the study area
2. To identify the constraints related to Pigeon pea cultivation


PI Email hhmistry_ao@nau.in
PI Mobile 9898499191
Year of Approval 2022
Commencement Year 2022
Completion Year 2023
Research Methodology
Location of Study: For the present investigation, primary data will be collected using
multistage random sampling method from the Pigeon pea growers of Bharuch and Vagra
talukas of Bharuch district will be purposively selected based on highest area under pigeon
pea. From each taluka, four villages will be selected. Fifteen farmers will be further selected
from each of the villages. Thus, the primary data on various inputs and output will be
collected from 300 Pigeon pea growers for the year 2022-23 to 2023-24.
Data Analysis: The cost of cultivation and return will be estimated using various cost


hhmistry_ao@nau.in 9898499191 27-01-2023
Sr. No. Operation Date Nature of Data Value of Data Operation Status
1 09/02/2023 Primary Interview Schedule In Progress
2 20/01/2024 Primary Interview Schedule Completed
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 09/02/2023 In Progress
2 20/01/2024 Completed
3 20/01/2024 Completed
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 09/02/2023 In Progress
2 20/01/2024 Completed
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 09/02/2023 In Progress
2 20/01/2024 Completed
3 13/02/2024 Completed