Experiment code
18.2.34 |
Experiment Title
Feedback of trainees about training conducted by SSK |
Research Type
Survey Work |
Experiment Background
Training is an important aspect for transfer of technology. So, proper management of training programme should be done by the training organizer. Among this various component of training management, training environment is the very important component in training programme. All this parameters involved in training environment should be managed properly for increasing training effectiveness. So, it is very essential to know that feedback of trainees about training conducted by SSK. Considering the above reality, the study will be conducted on “Feedback of trainees about training conducted by SSK” with following specific objectives. |
Experiment Group
Social Science |
Unit Type
(234)Director of Extension Education |
(302/05116/00)302/13/REG/01497 |
- To study the profile of trainees
- To know the feedback about training conducted by SSK
- To know the constraints faced by trainees during training programme
- To ascertain the suggestion from the trainees for improving training environment
PI Name
PI Email
vpvejapara@nau.in |
PI Mobile
9998002601 |
Year of Approval
2021 |
Commencement Year
2022 |
Completion Year
2023 |
Research Methodology
The need based training programmes are being organised throughout the year in SSK. The farmers participating in the training programmes from different districts, talukas and villages of Gujarat state during the year. Districts, talukas and villages from which the trainees come will be selected for present study. 200 respondents will be selected by using the proportionate random sampling method.