Experiment code SAF/17/3 (
Experiment Title Effect of germination media and organic manures on germination, growth and quality of Rohan (Soymida febrifuga Roxb. A. Juss.)
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Rohan (Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A. Juss.) synonymously known as Swietenia febrifuga is a Meliaceae family member, an indigenous medicinal tree. It is a monotypic genus endemic to India. S. febrifuga commonly known as Mamsarhohini or Indian redwood is a reputed folk medicinal plant. It is a lofty deciduous which grows up to 22-25 m tall and girth of 2.5-3.0 m. Indian redwood is a huge tree having a tough dark brown bark exfoliating in plates or scales. The compound leaves are crowded at the ends of branches. Leaflets are 3 to 6, elliptic or oblong, elliptic or suborbicular, 4.5-15 × 4-15 cm, apex obtuse or rounded, glabrous, base unequal, spinulosa when young with small peltate glands; petiole 0-5mm. The greenish white flowers are borne in large clusters. Fruit is a woody capsule. Capsule large, ovoid, woody, reddish purple or blackish brown, ellipsoid,obovoid or oblong, 7.5×5 cm, septifragal. Fruits of the Indian redwood are very common ingredients in imported potpourri. Whole fruits are sold as wild lily flowers while the columellas (central interior columns) are sold as lily pods and segments of the pericarp, or valves are sold as lily petals. Seeds oblong, 4 × 1.5 cm, compressed. Frequently found in moist deciduous forest. It generally flowers during February to April whereas fruiting during the period of May to June. The wood is hard and is used for various purposes. Timber of Rohan is durable, strong and much valued for building purposes and furniture, wells etc. The bark is used for tanning, dyeing and for intoxicating fish. The leaf has potential antioxidant, astringent and antimicrobial properties. It is also used for anti-aging, leucorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. It is very useful still it is not popular among farmers and it is lesser known and near to threatened (Annon., 2008).
Experiment Group Forestry
Department (272)Silviculture and Agroforestry, COF, Navsari
BudgetHead (352/12065/00)352/01/REG/04046

To study the influence of different germination media and organic manures on seed germination, growth and quality of Rohan (Soymida febrifuga Roxb.)

Season Not season specific
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (272)Silviculture and Agroforestry, COF, Navsari
Plot No NA
PI Email lkbehera@nau.in
PI Mobile 9375282020
Year of Approval 2021
Commencement Year 2022
Completion Year 2026
Design of Experiment


Crop Spacing (cm x cm)


Gross Plot (m x m) NA
Net Plot (m x m) NA
Total Experiment Area (m2) NA
Plot History Last Three Year


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan
R1 R2 R3
T1 T10 T6
T2 T9 T7
T3 T8 T8
T4 T7 T9
T5 T6 T10
T6 T5 T1
T7 T4 T2
T8 T3 T3
T9 T2 T4
T10 T1 T5
Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Treatment details
T1: Soil (Control)
T2: Soil + Sand (1:1)
T3: Soil + Sand (2:1)
T4: Soil + FYM (1:1 ratio)
T5: Soil + Vermicompost (1:1 ratio)                                T6: Soil + Poultry manure (1:1 ratio)
T7: Soil + FYM (1:2 ratio)
T8: Soil + Vermicompost (1:2 ratio)
T9: Soil + Poultry manure (1:2 ratio)
T10: Soil + Sand + FYM (2:1:1)


➢ Germination parameters
1. Germination (%)
2. Days to germination
3. Mean Daily Germination (MDG)
4. Peak Value of Germination (PV)
5. Germination Value (GV)
6. Mean Germination Time (MGT)
7. Germination Rate Index (GRI)
➢ Growth and vigour parameters
1. Shoot height (cm)*
2. Collar diameter (cm)*
3. Number of leaves per plant*
4. Root length (cm)**
5. Fresh weight (shoot and root separately) of plant (g)**
6. Dry weight (shoot and root separately) of plant (g)**
7. Root: Shoot ratio (On biomass basis)**
8. Sturdiness Quotient (SQ)**
9. Seedling Quality Index (SQI)**
10. Survival percentage (%)
*Monthly observation; **At six month

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2010-000895) LAXMIKANTA . BEHERA lkbehera@nau.in 9375282020 01-02-2023
(NAU-EMP-2013-000932) RAJESH PANDURANGA GUNAGA rpgunaga@nau.in 9408851342 24/06/2021
(NAU-EMP-2010-000956) ABHISHEK AMBASHANKAR MEHTA aamehta@nau.in 8128699081 24/06/2021
(NAU-EMP-2010-000947) SATISHKUMAR BADRINARAYAN SING SINHA sksinha@nau.in 9898184255 24/06/2021
(NAU-EMP-2010-000940) SANDIPKUMAR MUKUNDLAL PATEL sandipmpatel@nau.in 9726263987 24/06/2021