Experiment code SAF/17/4 (
Experiment Title Study of natural regeneration and stand structure of Khati chamol (Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.)
Research Type Departmental Research
Experiment Background Khati chamol Bauhinia malabarica Roxb., popularly known as Malabar orchid or Mounatain ebony‘ belongs to Fabaceae family is an evergreen or nearly evergreen tree 4-17 m tall and diameter usually up to 50 cm with a short often gnarled bole. It is native to Australia, India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand. In India, it is distributed throughout the greater parts except the driest tract receiving less than 500 mm annual rainfall. In the sub-Himalayan tract, it extends from Yamuna eastwards to Assam, ascending up to 600-670 m elevation. It is also found in the central India, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat and in the western Peninsula. B. malabarica occurs in the middle story of South and North Indian moist deciduous forests as well as Northern tropical dry deciduous forests. Bark is rough brown, peeling in linear flakes, fibrous, red inside. Leaves are 1.5-4 inches long, 2-5 inches broad, divided through 1/3 of the length, 7-9 nerved, slightly heart shaped at base, rigidly leathery, glaucous and smooth beneath. Flowers are borne in stalk less racemes in leaf axils, 1.5-2 inches long. Flowers are 1/2 inch long, dull white, often unisexual, on very slender stalks. Male and female flowers are usually on different stems. Sepal cup has five equal triangular teeth. Petals are spade shaped, equal. Pod is 7-12 inches long, 2-2.5 cm broad, on a stalk 1 inches long, flat flexible, many seeded, more or less straight reticulate veins, which starting diagonally from both sutures meet in the middle. It mainly used as fuelwood as well as ethnomedicine purposes. It is considered as vulnerable (Anon., 2008).
Experiment Group Forestry
Department (272)Silviculture and Agroforestry, COF, Navsari
BudgetHead (352/12065/00)352/01/REG/04046

To study the natural regeneration and stand structure of Khati chamol (Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.)

Season Not season specific
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (272)Silviculture and Agroforestry, COF, Navsari
Plot No NA
PI Email lkbehera@nau.in
PI Mobile 9375282020
Year of Approval 2021
Commencement Year 2022
Completion Year 2025
Design of Experiment

For field study, systematic sampling method will be followed to select quadrates in different population at Vyara division, South Gujarat.

Crop Spacing (cm x cm)


Gross Plot (m x m) NA
Net Plot (m x m) NA
Total Experiment Area (m2) NA
Plot History Last Three Year


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan


Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

➢ Total 20 quadrates of size 20 m x 20 m will be selected randomly in different populations of Bauhinia malabarica at Vyara division, South Gujarat. In each quadrate, five plots of 1 m x1 m (four at the corners and one at the middle) will be laid out for regeneration count.
➢ Individual tree species in each quadrat will be noted and further biometrical parameters will be measured.


1. Name of associated species
2. Tree height (m)
3. GBH (cm)
4. Clear bole height (m)
5. Crown height (m)
6. Crown length (m)
7. Crown diameter (m)
8. Tree density (Trees/ ha & Tree/ unit area)
9. Relative density (%)
10. Frequency (%)
11. Relative Frequency (%)
12. Abundance
13. Basal area (m2)
14. Relative dominance (%)
15. Importance Value Index (IVI)
16. Natural regeneration (Number/ha & Number/ unit area)


Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2010-000895) LAXMIKANTA . BEHERA lkbehera@nau.in 9375282020 01-02-2023
(NAU-EMP-2013-000932) RAJESH PANDURANGA GUNAGA rpgunaga@nau.in 9408851342 24/06/2021
(NAU-EMP-2010-000956) ABHISHEK AMBASHANKAR MEHTA aamehta@nau.in 8128699081 24/06/2021
(NAU-EMP-2010-000865) BIMAL SATISHBHAI DESAI bimal_desai@nau.in 9374065646 24/01/2021