Experiment code
Experiment Title Entrepreneurial behavior of dairy farm women in Bharuch District
Research Type Survey Work
Experiment Background The entrepreneur is an economic person, who strives to maximize his profits by innovations. Dairy farming is one of the important enterprises which dominate the economic activities of the woman in the rural areas of India. Increasing demand for milk and milk products in recent years intensifies dairy farming as profitable enterprise for rural woman. Gujarat contributes 7.99% to total milk production of India. The state is on third rank in this regard. As per the official figures, last year total milk production in Gujarat was 11,690.57 thousand tone. Gujarat produces daily 32,000 tonne milk per day. In year 2013-14, the total milk production in Gujarat was 11112.67 thousand tonne which was in 2014-15 11690.57 thousand tonne. During the year 2016-2017, it cross the peak milk procurement more than 1,80,000, in December 2017. In that Bharuch district contribution is 1.30%. At present Bharuch district is having 600 rural milk co-op and more than 59,200 milk producer members affiliated in Bharuch district milk union. It is estimated that about 70 million rural households own livestock. Women constitute about 69% of workforce engaged in livestock. It has been estimated that about 86 per cent of the total rural women are working for various agricultural operations. It is established beyond doubt that women always participated in dairy and animal husbandry activities in addition to their daily household chores. Women play crucial and significant role in livestock rearing but their contribution in livestock rearing has not been given the due place they deserve and always remain invisible workers.
Experiment Group Social Science
Department (319)Extension Education
BudgetHead (337/12246/00)337/03/REG/01861
  1. To study the profile of dairy farm women.
  2. To know the entrepreneurial behaviour of dairy farm women in Bharuch District
  3. To elicit the problems faced by the dairy farm women in dairy enterprise and seek their suggestions to overcome the problems.
PI Email natrvathing@nau.in
PI Mobile 9924526613
Year of Approval 2021
Commencement Year 2021
Completion Year 2023
Research Methodology

For the present investigation, two talukas of Bharuch district were selected purposively as nearby district union of the district. Total sample size for the study is 360.  In the 2nd year (2022-23), 6 (Dhanturiya, Taria, Matied, Haripura, Sakkarpor, Sarfuddin.) villages were randomly selected from Ankleshwar taluka. From each village, 20 dairy farm women were selected randomly and thus, the sample size was 120 per year. The data were collected with the help of structured, pre-tested scheduled through personal contact   and were compiled, tabulated and analysed to draw valid conclusions.

natrvathing@nau.in 9924526613 06-02-2023
huvyas@nau.in 8128994357 22/02/2021
rakesh.dhandhukia@nau.in 9904153867 22/02/2021
Sr. No. Operation Date Nature of Data Value of Data Operation Status
1 18/01/2024 Primary Interview Schedule Completed
2 18/01/2024 Primary Interview Schedule In Progress
3 19/01/2024 Primary Other In Progress
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 18/01/2024 Completed
2 18/01/2024 In Progress
3 19/01/2024 In Progress
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 18/01/2024 Completed
2 18/01/2024 In Progress
3 19/01/2024 In Progress
Sr. No. Operation Date Operation Status
1 18/01/2024 Completed
2 18/01/2024 In Progress