Experiment code
Experiment Title Seasonal incidence of insect-pests of Flemingia semialataRoxb. under south Gujarat condition
Research Type Survey Work
Experiment Background F. semialata is a small bushy shrub and a valuable host plant for lac insect (Kerria lacca Kerr), is mainly grown for kusmi lac cultivation. Globally, it is planted for conservation of soil. F. semialata is economically important because it is a bushy host of perennial nature suitable for kusmi lac cultivation. It is suitable for integrated farming systems with fruit and vegetable crops. Also being a leguminous crop, it fixes the atmospheric nitrogen into the soil. Among the insect pests, thirty-two insect-pests infesting different parts of F. semialata viz. pod/seed, stem, leaves have been reported and categorized as defoliators, sucking pests and stored grain pests. Among them, most of the insects are foliage feeders. Major pests which cause significant damage are Hypenarectivittalis Moore, Spodoptera litura Fabricius, Amsacta lactinea Cramer, Dasychira mendosa Hubner (Meena et. al, 2014). F. semialata is not only commercial important for lac cultivation but it can be used as a boarder line plantation on bunds and hedges. However, the leaves of plant are also important source of organic mulch. Looking on importance of F. semialata, knowledge of the insect-pests of this shrub merits attention, so that heavy incidence of any one of the pests may not become a cause of serious concern, affecting adversely the lac production. The information on insect pests of F. semialata in south Gujarat have not been studied so far. Therefore, this study will help to know the occurrence of insect pests of F. semialata so that preventive measures can be taken well in advance to avoid any crop damage.
Experiment Group Agricultural Entomology
Department (259)Entomology Department, NMCA, Navsari
BudgetHead (303/12011/00)303/07/REG/02097

To study the occurrence of insect-pests of F. semialata

Season Annual
Location Unit Type (02)EDUCATION UNIT
Location Department (259)Entomology Department, NMCA, Navsari
Plot No 00
PI Email agrilmak@nau.in
PI Mobile 8758719987
Year of Approval 2020
Commencement Year 2020
Completion Year 2030
Design of Experiment


Crop Spacing (cm x cm)


Gross Plot (m x m) NA
Net Plot (m x m) NA
Total Experiment Area (m2) NA
Plot History Last Three Year


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report


Initial Soil Sample Analysis Report Attachment Attachment Not Available!
Layout Plan


Layout Plan Attachment Attachment Not Available!

Experimental details:

The investigation was carried out in the F. semialata Garden, Department of Entomology, N. M. College of Agriculture, NAU, Navsari maintained for lac cultivation. The observations on insect pest associated with F. semialata recorded at weekly interval. The data recorded on different parameters were subjected to appropriate statistical analysis.

Observations recorded:

Foliage feeders:

The observations on foliage feeders associated with F. semialata recorded from randomly selected 50 plants. Thus, incidence of foliage feeders per plant worked out.

Sucking pests:

The nymph and adults of sucking pests were recorded from three leaves i.e., top, middle and lower leaves on 50 randomly selected plants. Thus, average population of nymph and adults per leaf were worked out.

Aphid: The population of aphid recorded by using the index suggested by Bank (1954) with sligh modification. Accordingly, the aphid infestation was assigned in to following index.


Aphid index

Degree of infestation


No aphids (Nil)


Aphids in small colony (Very light)


Several small colonies spread out on the shoot and inflorance (Light)


Medium to large bust diffused colonies spread out on shoot, inflorance and pods (Medium)


Large numbers of aphids almost covering the inflorance with black sooty mould and pods (Heavy)

Pod fly:

One hundred mature pods were plucked randomly from the plot and brought to the laboratory for recording pod fly infestation. The observations on number of pods and seeds damaged by the pod fly were recorded. Thus, per cent pod and seed damage were worked out.

The immature stages of the insects-pests were also collected and reared in the laboratory condition till the adult emergence. The adult insects were also collected and killed in killing jar, mounted either on insect pins or paper points depending on its size and labelled properly. They were preserved in insect collection boxes using naphthalene balls as repellent. Soft bodied insects were preserved in 70 per cent alcohol. The taxonomic study was conducted under the stereo-binocular microscope. The important taxonomic characters of the collected specimens were identified by using dichotomous keys, visual observation and confirmed with the help of published literature. The unidentified specimens sent to The Director, Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi (Jharkhand) – 834010 for identification

The activity of natural enemy fauna on insect-pests of F. semialata if any was also recorded. The photographic catalogue of available insect-pests and its natural enemies were prepared. The data on insect-pests of F. semialata and its natural enemy fauna was correlated with prevailing weather parameters.

Treatment Attachment Attachment Not Available!
(NAU-EMP-2015-000375) MUKESH RAMJIBHAI SIDDHAPARA agrilmak@nau.in 8758719987 13-02-2023
(NAU-EMP-2008-000170) ABHISHEK GYANESHCHANDER SHUKLA abhishekshukla@nau.in 9724304675 01/02/2020
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