Evaluation of different modules against of major insect pests of sapota
Research Type
Departmental Research
Experiment Background
Sapota (Manilkara achras (Mill) Fosberg) commonly known as “Chiku” belongs to family sapotaceae. Sapota tree is attacked by about 23 insect pests in Gujarat, which affect the productivity quantitatively or qualitatively. Among the prescribed pests, bud borer, Anarsia achrasella Bradley and chiku moth/leaf webber, Nephopteryx eugraphella (Ragonot) are major pests of sapota causing very serious damage to bud, flower and leaves also.
Among different foliage insect pests, midrib folder (leaf folder), Banisia myrsusales elearalis (Walker) is a regular and major pest of sapota particularly in newly planted orchards.
Seed borer, Trymalitis margarias Meyrick causing very serious damage during fruit harvesting period along with fruit fly (Bactocera spp.). Also midrib folder (leaf folder), Banisia myrsusales elearalis (Walker) is a regular and major pest of sapota particularly occurred on new foliage flush.
Due to the infestation of fruit infesting pests, quality of the fruit deteriorates and hence the selling prices goes down in wholesale and retail market as well as farmers also lose their goodwill in the market.
These major pests cause damage round the year in sapota. Therefore, it is need to check the infestation of major insect pests in sapota through management schedule to reduce crop protection cost and enhance productivity.
Experiment Group
Agricultural Entomology
Unit Type
(294)Fruit Research station, N.A.U., Gandevi
1. To evaluate different management schedule against major insect pests of sapota.